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2024 Knee Replacement Surgery | Robotic Knee Replacement Mumbai | Dr Supreet Bajwa

by Dr. Supreet Bajwa | 3 months ago

#kneereplacementsurgery #totalkneereplacement #painrelief Patient Testimonial After Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery in Mumbai Join us as Mr Jain shares his inspiring journey to pain-free living after undergoing robotic knee

The kneecap in total knees - What happens to the kneecap during a total knee replacment?

One of the most common questions that I am asked by patients is: What happens to my kneecap when I..
By Dr. Adam Rosen
5 years ago

Ortho Surgeon Dr. Grant Garcia at the 2022 AAOS conference. VR, 3D printing, ACL preservation & more

One of the most exciting conferences an Orthopaedic surgeon can attend is the annual AAOS..
By Dr. Grant Garcia
2 years ago

Hamstring Autograft ACL Reconstruction - Dr. John A. Schlechter

Dr. John A. Schlechter Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon Fracture Care Sports Medicine Arthroscopy..
By Dr. John A. Schlechter
12 years ago

The Birmingham Knee Replacement (BKR) - What's it all about? Derek McMinn 2014 The McMinn Centre

In this lecture, Derek McMinn talks about the Birmingham Knee Replacement (BKR), addressing the..
By The McMinn Centre
10 years ago

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