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SDT Blast Bishai & Acevedo Cutting Edge

by Dr. Grant Garcia | 6 months ago

Staying on the cutting edge of surgery, balancing a busy practice, managing all your social media accounts and having time for yourself is no easy feat. I had the pleasure of interviewing on Sports Doc Talk Podcast with William Sanchez, two shoulder surgeons who make it look easy, Shariff K.

Hip Replacement explained by Dr. J. Stuart Melvin, Orthopedic Surgeon

Are you a candidate for hip replacement surgery? Dr. J. Stuart Melvin, an orthopedic surgeon..
By J. Stuart Melvin, MD
7 years ago

From the Desk of Dr. Van Thiel: What is the General Recovery Time for Hip Arthroscopies?

Dr. Van Thiel, an accredited leader in the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine field, answers patients'..
By Geoffrey S. Van Thiel, MD
2 years ago

Tips for a Smooth and Speedy Recovery After a Knee Replacement

#DavidNBuchalterMD #kneesurgeon #hipsurgeon Dr. Buchalter discusses some helpful tips to get a..
By David N. Buchalter, M.D.
4 months ago

10 years excellent results after Verso TSA

10 years excellent results after Verso TSA
By Reading Shoulder Unit
3 years ago

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